Grace Theological College
The knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness
The question was:
-How do I become a follower of Christ?
The question was:
-What actually happens when we go to heaven? What will it be like and what happens to our bodies?
The questions were:
-What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?
-Why do I still face temptation and struggle with old sins even though I am now a Christian?
The questions were:
-Is it ok to rank sin?
We commonly do it within society and culture, but is not all sin, sin?
-What is the unforgivable sin? Based on Luke 23:8-10
Nerida and Andrew sit down with Joe Fleener to discuss his thoughts around using AI in a church service.
Nerida, Andrew and Geoff sit down and discuss how to become a follower of Christ.
Nerida, Andrew and Geoff discuss theological study and pastors.
The questions were:
-What are the different types of the writing in the Bible?
-How do we know when it's not being literal?
The questions were:
-Did creation take place in a literal 6 days?
-Or is God's time different?
The questions were:
-Is war morally wrong?
-They also asked what moral responsibility do soldiers have for their actions during war time?
The question is :
-How do we know that the resurrection really happened and what is the significance of the resurrection?
Joe Fleener
The questions were:
-How does the use of AI in decision-making impact theological concepts like free will and moral responsibility?
- If AI systems are used to make decisions that affect human lives, how does it intersect with our understanding of human autonomy, free will, and accountability before God?
The questions were:
-What happens to people who have never heard of Jesus?
-Why do I still face temptation and struggle with old sins even though I am now a christian?
The questions were:
-What is the importance of the Sabbath and the idea of having a day of rest every week?
-There is a Christian who doesn’t believe in the Trinity because the word isn’t in the Bible and can you be a Christian and not believe in the Trinity?
The question is:
-I find it really confusing that there are so many different churches and denominations. How do I choose which church I should go to?
The questions were:
-Why do Christians make such a big deal about the Bible?
-What makes humans different from animals? What does the Bible teach about humanity? Will my cat be in heaven?
The question was:
-1 Timothy 2:12 "I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet." ESV
-Does it mean woman shouldn't preach?
The questions was:
-I know heaven is supposed to be this amazing place, but the Bible makes it sound kind of boring. What is heaven really going to be like?
Special Guest: Dr. Ian Smith
Dr Ian Smith is the author of 'Not Home Yet: How the Renewal of the Earth Fits into God's Plan for the World' He chatted with Andrew and Nerida about heaven, a new earth, our misconceptions and how much God wants us to enjoy His creation.