Grace Theological College
The knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness
What is the difference between 'Audit' and 'Credit' study?
Audit study is when a student has access to the class material, can view lectures, and can participate in the class, but does not write assignments/ sit exams and thus does not receive any grade or credit for their study.
Credit study is where a student is expected to attend every class, participate during classes, and will need to complete the assigned readings, essays, and/ or exams. A credit student will gain 2 credits for each completed and passed class.
Can I study via distance learning?
Yes! We are well set up for distance learning.
As a CREDIT student, you are required to attend all classes online, unless prior notice has been made to the lecturer about an upcoming missed lesson/ sickness. You are also required to have web camera/ microphone capabilities when joining in with the class.
Lessons are carried out via the Microsoft Teams platform. When you enrol, you will be given an email address with which you log into Microsoft Office 365, and access Teams, but more in-depth details on how to do this are provided prior to the commencement of the semester. Due to a high level of cyber security needed, we recommend downloading the Microsoft Authenticator app as there is 2-step-verification needed to sign into Microsoft Office 365.
Can I study part time?
Yes! You can study part time or full time, depending on your preference.
The majority of our classes are held in the evening (7pm-9pm) so that part time students can continue to work or maintain their prior commitments, and study at the same time.
As a part time CREDIT student, we have found that up to 3 papers a semester is manageable for those who have undertaken tertiary study before. 1 or 2 is the average for those who are first venturing into CREDIT study or have been out of the study mode for a while.
As a part time AUDIT student, as you will not undergo any formal assessments, we still recommend no more than 3 papers per semester in order to get the most out of your study.
What is "TUTORED ONLY" study?
When a class is noted as being 'TUTORED", this indicates that the class will be run differently to a general class.
The study material will be provided and a students is expected to self direct their study. The self directed study will be combined with 8 hours of tutorial interactions over the semester, usually in the form of 1 hour Teams meetings.
Full assessment requirements are expected in this type of study.
Do you have a library?
Other resources?
We have a physical library on the 1st floor of our building which holds more than 12,000 titles. If you are a student, you can access these for free during staffed hours at our campus in Manurewa. At this stage we do not have a digital library.
Students can also purchase discounted subscriptions from us for LOGOS bible software for their class resources.
If you are not a student, you can purchase a subscription for our physical library by enquiring at:
Is study only for pastors?
No. While GTC has been established with a core mission to train up men for pastoral ministry in NZ and the Pacific, we have always welcomed students from all walks of life.
What does 'reformed' mean, and what if I'm not reformed?
The term ‘reformed’ is used to describe a view of the Bible and theological position that comes from the period of the Reformation and involved a rediscovery of the Bible in its original languages, and a realisation that church and the Christian life needed to be ordered by the Bible.
It is best summarised in the slogans: the Bible Along, Christ Alone, Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and Glory to God Alone.
How long has Grace Theological College been around for?
We started teaching in 1995. We have been operating without interruption since then.
Why do you only train men for pastoral ministry?
GTC believes that according to Scripture, men and women are created as equal image-bearers by God. However, God has also made men and women different, and that according to the Bible, only men are called to be pastors and elder's the church.
Nevertheless, around 50% of our students are female, and are always welcome.
Why do classes cost so much?
Our classes cost so much because we have to pay our principal, part time administration staff, tutors, taxes, software licenses, electricity and lots of other small costs. In actual fact, what we charge students does not cover our costs, and so we also rely on donations from supporters.
Why do classes cost so little?
We have always tried to keep our costs as low as possible so that money will not become a barrier to a person equipping themselves for ministry.
In fact, we would rather ‘suffer loss’ for the sake of the gospel. Many people volunteer their time, others make donations, and we try and make every dollar count.
What ministry experience have the teachers had?
One of the things we believe is that a teacher’s ability to do ministry is as important as their ability to learn and teach. We want our teachers to help students see how what they teach applies to life.
We prefer our teachers to have at least ten-years of ministry experience before they begin to teach. All our teachers are either currently involved in church leadership, or have recently retired.
Is GTC study recognised by other institutions?
We have partnerships with Birmingham Theological Seminary (BTS) in Alabama, and Christ College Sydney.
Our relationship with BTS allows our students to cross credit their study with us to BTS in order to graduate with one of their qualifications.
Our relationship with Christ College allows them to teach their units on our campuses by intensive.
Why isn’t GTC NZQA approved?
We have looked into this on occasion, but the cost in time and money for a small college like GTC to achieve entry level NZQA recognition is not worth it. We believe (and our partnerships with other colleges supports this belief) that our teaching and assessments are of equal or higher quality than NZQA accredited institutions.
Not being NZQA approved allows us to stay true to what we believe God wants us to teach.
Can GTC help me to get a student visa if I live outside NZ?
No. Because we are not NZQA accredited, Immigration New Zealand will not approve a student visa for a student wishing to study with us. Visas will only be given for study at approved education providers.
Can I apply for a student allowance if I am a student at GTC?
No. Like student visas, an allowance will only be given to students undertaking a NZ government approved course. However, students will be able to apply for scholarships from other funders. We recommend that you talk to your church leadership first.
Can I apply for a student loan if I am a student at GTC?
No. Because we are not a NZ government approved training provider our students are not eligible for a student loan. Furthermore, we discourage students from going into debt to cover their costs.
What is your connection with other Bible colleges and seminaries?
Apart from our formal relationships with Birmingham Theological Seminary and Christ College, we have friendly relationships with other Bible Colleges. This may have involved sharing resources, hosting guest lecturers, and receiving students.
Some colleges that we have had connections with are: Westminster Theological Seminary, Covenant Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminary California, Reformed Theological Seminary, Sydney Missionary and Bible College, Queensland Theological College, Reformed Theological College, and Third Millennium Ministries.
Can I change my mind after enrolling?
If you wish to change from Audit to Credit, or Credit to Audit, you can change prior to the beginning of the semester up until 2 weeks into the term. You will be charged a $40 administration fee to process this.
If you wish to withdraw from study altogether, you have up until 2 weeks into the semester to do so. If you have already paid, you will receive a full refund, minus a $40 administration fee.
PLEASE NOTE: After 2 weeks, there is no refund. If you have not paid already, we will withdraw your enrolment and remove your Microsoft 365 account.
How do I pay my fees?
Is there a deadline?
After your enrolment form has been accepted and processed, you will be sent an invoice via the email address provided. On the invoice you have the option of paying via bank transfer or Credit Card.
PLEASE NOTE: there is an extra fee associated with credit card payments.
All fees must be paid in full prior to the commencement of the semester, unless prior arrangements have been made with the administration of GTC.