Grace Theological College
The knowledge of the truth that leads to godliness
Christian Counselling
The purpose of our counselling programme is to consider carefully how we step into troubled lives with Godly wisdom and gentleness. We have called this Biblical Counselling, not because it is a trademark that needs defending or protecting, but rather to signal an openness on our part to listen to other voices in the world of Christian counselling that share a common concern with us to be biblical, grace filled, and Christ-centred in our care for others.
We work in partnership with New Zealand Biblical Counsellors Association (NZBCA). NZBCA is an association that supports biblical counsellors in New Zealand by providing initial training to anyone interested in counselling biblically.
They encourage their members to pursue formal training in Biblical Counselling. The NZBCA offer support through supervision and resources. They also provide continuing education to sharpen skills, knowledge, and personal growth.
A one-year (fulltime) Certificate in Biblical Counselling and a two-year (fulltime) Advanced Certificate in Biblical Counselling are now available at Grace Theological College.
For more information about the NZBCA you can visit their website:
Information can also be found on their Facebook page:
Counselling Papers at GTC.
Second Semester- 2025
BC7501: Introduction to Biblical Counselling
When: Tuesday 7-9pm
Where: Online Only
Tutorial Classes:
(Self-directed study plus 8-hrs lecturer contact. Full assessment requirements)
BC7607: Counselling Children& Adolescence
BC7104: Counselling and Life Transitions
BC7204: Counselling for Sexual Abuse

Peter has been with Grace Theological College since 1995.
He is the head of our Counselling Department, has taught counselling for many years, and along with his wife Margaret offer counselling help to local church members.